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Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Oishi: Debacle of morals in Bangladesh

Syed Rumman

Regarding the unpleasant incident made(?) by Oishi in Bangladesh some questions need to be answered:

1. Don't you think it is an early stage to conclude by saying Oishi is a murderer of her parents?

2. Do you think what media is saying is justified, authentic and reliable? (As nowadays BD media likes negative publicity)

3. Was not it ideally wrong to publish Oishi's photo on the newspaper.

4. Why the police is not giving any hints of her friends' identity. Is not it raising a question whether they are the one who actually killed her parents and Oishi confessed under duress? 

5. It may be the case that Oishi brought her friends home for burglary, but they did not have any intention to kill. 

6. Most important question is to ask whether Government had any responsibility here. I am very well aware that it is very easy for them to say " how can we look after individual cases?" But they forget that this every individual vote for them. What was the inadequacy in the society that led this unpleasant and horrific incident to take place? What the government and the society could have provided to Oishi and her family to avoid such situation. If the question is how come her father managed to send her to an expensive english medium school then the next question should be asked why was it necessary to send her to an english medium school, what was missing from the state-funded school? 

7. On what basis the english medium education is being blamed? Ain't the english medium education produce any good citizen? If does then why do they still under criticism? Why was there not any action taken by the government or society to improve this? Don't you think it is a consequential event?

8.As a nation what shall we take from this unpleasant incident, Where are we standing as a nation with values, culture and respect? Are we taking the right step to cope up with the modernisation to uphold civilisation or is it simply a race to grasp the idea of narcissism which is at a large extent full of nudity and debacle of morals.

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Vote Syed Rumman as NUS International students' Officer

I believe in being Proactive! For a long time we have seen the International students’ section within NUS as being re-active to situations rather then being proactive, vote for me and I will change this. My Manifesto is more then just mere words on a piece of paper I plan to: Re-instate PSW visa and give our international students the right they deserve. Thousands of International students come to the UK with the hope of working once they have completed their course, however the government scrapped PSW visa. I plan to lobby and campaign against the government to re-instate PSW visa. University Census point (Attendance monitoring): -- many of our international students are victims to harassment by the University because of the horrendous UKBA requirements of keeping tracks on International students. Students are subjected to stand in long queue. Delays in securing Visa- Students have been subject to endless waiting for their visa being renewed. What I plan to do is campaign against this, over the past 3 years NUS international sections has failed completely in addressing this issue we need a year long campaign to make sure that this is addressed. If elected I plan to campaign for this with immediate effect as nothing has been done. To make it a clear period of time, and given my experience to take on the fight against UKBA when my university was attacked by UKBA, by revoking our HTS license I made sure our voices were heard, I organised the first ever demonstration against UKBA at `10 downing street’ this followed by many other demonstrations against the home office which resulted in London met securing the HTS sponsorship license again. I have a plan, a vision for change a vision to fight for the right of every international student. I made sure when the University decided to deregister students from Syria I fought against the university management and secured victory for the students even when they had not paid their fees. I shall be your voice as I believe in NUS INTERNATIONAL SECTIONS BEING PROACTIVE RATHER THEN REACTIVE. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. VOTE FOR CHANGE. VOTE FOR SYED RUMMAN AS NUMBER 1 FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS’ OFFICER.

Monday, 22 April 2013

After saving thousands of international students of LondonMet running for NUS International Students’ Officer

My name is Syed Rumman and I am your candidate for the position of International Students’ Officer at NUS for the academic year2013/14. I have been the Vice President (Education) at London Metropolitan University Students’ Union for past two years. My two years as Vice-President and four years as an international student at London Metropolitan University have given me ample knowledge and understanding of the life of international students in the UK. As an international student I am a victim of government changes to the immigration system, a true sufferer of cultural shocks on campus and a survivor of a series of serious obstacles during my student life in the UK. I believe it is not only me and that there are many thousands of international students like me who have stories to tell and traumatic experiences to share. I am just one of those who has taken the opportunity to stand and speak up for their fellow students and brought changes to their lives. I want to be the person who can bring real change to your student life and can boldly speak on your behalf. I therefore decided to stand as International Students’ Officer at the National Union of Students and I need your help to be elected. Please vote for me as International Students’ Officer.

Life is hard as an international student, isn’t it?
International students face the hard life in the UK. There were significant changes to the immigration system last year that affected all international students in the UK, but there was no major protest from the NUS to prevent such changes. Many students left the UK for other destinations. The abolition of the PSW scheme has left many thousands of students in limbo. Strict regulations on spouse visa have also caused serious problems in the lives of many undergraduate international students in the UK. It is the time to stand up and work hard to lobby the government and other regulatory bodies to bring change to the lives of international students in the UK.

Changing the lives of international students
I am a true leader who can deliver the changes that you need in your student life in the UK. During my time at London Metropolitan University I have actively campaigned for international students’ issues, most notably during the UKBA’s unjustified attack on the University. My active leadership and passion for helping students have resulted in a victory for three thousand international students at the University. I am a true fighter for the rights of students and will continue to do so to defend the rights of students in the UK

You should elect me because:
· I have made changes to thousands of students lives at London Metropolitan University while fighting the UKBA’s unjustified attack on international students
· I have wholeheartedly worked with almost every students’ union in London and many other unions across the country to lobby the government on the issue of international student visa and work permit obstacles
· I have called for a National Charter for International Students

If I am elected then I will:
§ Work with all students’ unions across the country to lobby each university to level international students opportunities with those of home students
§ Lobby NUS high officials and officers mobilise NUS resources to defend students from deportation in the face of visa issue
§ Work closely with all the private colleges to bring them under the umbrella of NUS to increase the number of international students under NUS membership and lobby the government to bring positive changes to the lives of international students in the UK
§ Create effective and frequent international students’ forums, where students will have a unique chance to put forward their ideas and issues surrounding international student education
§ Create a students’ union scholarship program for international students
§ Break down the barriers between international students, EU students and home students
§ Review and compile the rights of international students across the different areas of student life
§ I will work closely with students’ unions to arrange meetings every two weeks where international students will get the chance to share their university experiences and then lobby the NUS to help students to take appropriate steps to resolve the issues raised by the students
§ Promote cultural events from all backgrounds on campus to break down cultural barriers among students
§ Keep students informed of all issues and help them to prepare or take necessary steps to prevent themselves from any major affect to their lives within the UK
§ I will promote British education across the globe

Please vote Syed Rumman #1 for your International Students’ Officer

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

In Response to Immigration Minister Mr Harper on Times Higher Education

Does the Immigration Minister Mr. Harper know that the creation of a £2M Taskforce using taxpayers’ money proves how bad it was to strip LMU's HTS licence? It is really surprising that all he is concern about international bad publicity which he thinks could have been avoided by creating a Task force before revoking LMU's licence to sponsor international students. Isn't it Minister's responsibility to ensure taxpayers’ money is being used for the well-being of them but not to mitigate their own mistakes or a bad decision. He said it was "absolutely right" to strip LMU's HTS licence but he confused himself later by admitting not having enough pre-cautionary measures which caused bad publicity home and abroad. I personally believe law-makers should be more responsible as their one small mistake can make people’s life extremely vulnerable. This needs to be ensured that no one is being punished due to others fault. Task force might have resolved some of the issues but it created a fear among the whole international students body, everyday they wake up with a new question-what if this institution's HTS licence also gets stripped. There should be a policy agreement that even if an institution' HTS licence gets suspended or revoked students of this institution should be given a fair opportunity to move to another institution after completing next available year or semester. A national charter for the international students also can be established which can be a safeguard for them. 

Syed Rumman
London Metropolitan University Students' Union
