I believe in being Proactive! For a long time we have seen the International students’ section within NUS as being re-active to situations rather then being proactive, vote for me and I will change this. My Manifesto is more then just mere words on a piece of paper I plan to: Re-instate PSW visa and give our international students the right they deserve. Thousands of International students come to the UK with the hope of working once they have completed their course, however the government scrapped PSW visa. I plan to lobby and campaign against the government to re-instate PSW visa. University Census point (Attendance monitoring): -- many of our international students are victims to harassment by the University because of the horrendous UKBA requirements of keeping tracks on International students. Students are subjected to stand in long queue. Delays in securing Visa- Students have been subject to endless waiting for their visa being renewed. What I plan to do is campaign against this, over the past 3 years NUS international sections has failed completely in addressing this issue we need a year long campaign to make sure that this is addressed. If elected I plan to campaign for this with immediate effect as nothing has been done. To make it a clear period of time, and given my experience to take on the fight against UKBA when my university was attacked by UKBA, by revoking our HTS license I made sure our voices were heard, I organised the first ever demonstration against UKBA at `10 downing street’ this followed by many other demonstrations against the home office which resulted in London met securing the HTS sponsorship license again. I have a plan, a vision for change a vision to fight for the right of every international student. I made sure when the University decided to deregister students from Syria I fought against the university management and secured victory for the students even when they had not paid their fees. I shall be your voice as I believe in NUS INTERNATIONAL SECTIONS BEING PROACTIVE RATHER THEN REACTIVE. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. VOTE FOR CHANGE. VOTE FOR SYED RUMMAN AS NUMBER 1 FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS’ OFFICER.
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